2024 • 2026
Esterhazy Karoly Katolikus Egyetem, Eger, Hongrie (Higher education institution)
Poly-Universe LTD, Hongrie (Company)
Experience Workshop ay, Finlande (Company)
Universitatea Crestina Partium, Roumanie (Higher education institution)
Espace de l'Art Concret - National interest contemporary art centre, France
What is Erasmus+ ?
Erasmus+ is a European program which provides financial support for a wide range of actions and activities in the fields of education, training, youth, and sport. The programme aims to give students, trainees, staff, and citizens with or without qualifications, the opportunity to stay abroad to enhance their skills and improve their employability. It helps organisations collaborate within international partnerships and share innovative practices in the areas of education, training, and youth. Erasmus+ also has a significant international dimension. This aspect allows the programme to open up to institutional cooperation activities, youth and staff mobility on a global scale.
TYPE OF ACTION: European cooperation partnerships for school education
PROJECT DURATION: 27 months, from 01/10/2024 to 31/12/2026
The project
The EARLYPOLY project aims to integrate the educational tool Poly-Universe into early childhood and primary education as an innovative solution.
The project will be implemented by a consortium of 5 partners: 2 universities, an art center, and two STEAM* education providers.
The project will promote a collaborative learning environment and practices, with a focus on inclusion and the participation of girls.
We will organise professional development training for educators and teachers, create a complete and age-appropriate Poly-Universe: develop methodology and lesson plans for nursery and primary schools, and establish a supportive context for educators in both formal and non-formal settings. Additionally, we will organise practical STEAM activities, pilot the methodology, adapt the Poly-Universe tool for various learners, and assess the project's impact by collecting feedback from all stakeholders.
The project will lead to a methodological study on the activities of the game Poly-Universe aimed at preschool and primary school children. Continuous training for preschool and primary school teachers, as well as a methodological module for students, will be provided. By using the Poly-Universe Tool and the STEAM approach, the project will contribute to the development of education for children aged 3-10, helping learners develop basic skills and competencies related to STEAM.
*STEAM is a multidisciplinary approach to learning that uses science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics as entry points for acquiring skills. This pedagogy aims to foster creativity and innovation in students.