Website's Owner
Espace de l'Art Concret
Chateau de Mouans
06370 Mouans-Sartoux
Telephone : +33(0)4 93 75 71 50
Publication director
Fabienne Grasser-Fulchéri, Espace de L'art Concret's Director
In Charge of the Website's updates :
Estelle Epinette, In charge of the Graphism for the structure
The website's texts and updates are insured by the eac.'s team.
Artistic direction, design and developpement: AMB Studio
Website and its content production: eac.
Information displayed on the website are purely indicative. They can be modified at any times, without notice.
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Personal Data
In reference to the 38, 39, and 40 articles of the n°78-17 published in January the 6th of 1978, about computing, data and freedoms, you have the right to verify, correct and suppress the data concerning yourself, freely. If you want to use this right, you can contact the eac., at the site's « Contact » section.
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Literary and artistic property rights
Some of the content diffused on the eac.'s website is protected by an intellectual property right, including by articles L.112-2 and the following ones, and L.341-1 from the intellectual property code. All rights of exploitation are reserved, including iconographic or photographic representations, and the downloadable documents.
All reproductions, representation, use, provision or modification, by any process, of any part of the site or any part of documents concerned by literary or artistic property rights, without former authorization from the website's owner and, eventually, other authors or right-holders, is strictly forbidden and considered a counterfeiting offense. (See article L.335-2 and the next ones of the intellectual property code).
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Excepted for the content concerned by intellectual properties rights of an external person or including personal data, content displayed on this website is considered as public information, and it can be freely used, based on the law n°78-753 from the 17th of July 1978.
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Furthermore, if no former agreement was made with eac., all reproductions, partial or total, of the logo and the eac.'s identity is forbidden.
In any case, content diffused on this website, is considered as L'espace de l'art Concret's property linked to its missions, without other guaranties, expressed or not. Contents can be used respecting conditions described earlier, on the user's responsibility only.
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